Attn, NYC-Area Reasonoids! Two Chances to See Ron Bailey Live TODAY & TOMORROW! TONIGHT!
Get yer Baileys out! Longtime Reason science correspondent Ronald Bailey will be making two speaking appearances in the greater New York City area next week, at Princeton Univ. and at The New York Salon.
Info on the Princeton gig:
What: A lecture on "Freedom versus Bioethics," by Ronald Bailey
When: March 8, 2010, at noon
Where: Princeton University, New Jersey, Wallace Hall 300
More info: Chuck Crosby
Info on the New York gig:
What: "Hardwired for Life?": a NY Salon public discussion featuring Reason's Ronald Bailey, The Atlantic's David Shenk, Univ. of Birmingham's Stuart Derbyshire, and The Albert Ellis Institute's Kristene Doyle and geared around the following topics:
Researchers in the field of behavioral genetics have asserted claims for a genetic basis to numerous behaviors, including homosexuality, aggression, alcoholism, and nurturing. Furthermore, a growing scientific and popular focus on genes and behavior has contributed to a resurgence of behavioral genetic determinism—the belief that genetics is the major factor in determining behavior. Just recently commentators have blamed the international economic crisis on the innate greed of our consumer "have it all now" society.
Are behaviors inbred, written indelibly in our genes as immutable biological imperatives, or is the environment more important in shaping our thoughts and actions? What are the social consequences of genetic diagnoses of such traits as intelligence, criminality, or homosexuality? How much of our behavior can be attributed to our hardwiring?
When: Tuesday, March 9, from 6.30pm to 8.30pm
Where: The Albert Ellis Institute, 45 E65 St (between Park and Madison Avenues)
RSVP: The NY Salon's Jean Smith, who will also moderate the event.
Get more info at the website for The NY Salon, which is constantly putting on some of the best intellectual shows in The Big Apple.
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