Attn, NYC Reasonoids: An Event Worth Checking Out on Friday, Oct. 23


Yesterday, I blogged about FIRE's 10th anniversary bash next Thursday in Manhattan (tickets still available, I'm sure, if you beg and plead!).

Here's another New York event worth checking out: a Friday, October 23 symposium called "Advancing Liberty, Creating Change" that's sponsored by the Mercatus Center and the Institute for Humane Studies.

The speakers include Reason columnist and Mercatus scholar Veronique de Rugy, George Mason University economist and New York Times columnist Tyler Cowen, and BB&T Chairman John Allison, the Ayn Rand-admiring businessman who has spoken out against TARP and refuses to let his bank do business with private developments based on eminent domain actions.

The event is being held at the Westin Times Square and runs from 11.30AM to 6.00PM. For more details, go here.