The Top 10 Craziest Things Ever Said During a U.N. Speech
As compiled by Joshua Keating for Foreign Policy. Among the entries:
Fidel Castro in 1960: ''Were Kennedy not a millionaire, illiterate, and ignorant, then he would obviously understand that you cannot revolt against the peasants.''
Yassir Arafat in 1974: "An old world order is crumbling before our eyes, as imperialism, colonialism, neocolonialism, and racism, whose chief form is Zionism, ineluctably perish."
Daniel Ortega in 1984: "Before consulting the hotheads who present various military options such as a military invasion: remember, President Reagan, Rambo only exists in the movies.''
Muammar al-Qaddafi in 2009: "It should not be called a security council, it should be called a terror council."
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