Motorhome Diaries Crew Appear in Court


The three members of the Motorhome Diaries crew who were arrested a few months ago in Jones County, Mississippi recently had their first court appearance. Tom Schornhorst, a Fourth Amendment expert and professor emeritus at the Indiana University School of Law is representing them pro bono, and has an interesting write-up of what happened. In short, the case against them looks pretty thin. 

Here's a bit of an odd coincidence: Schornhorst found out about the case via my personal blog, The Agitator. One of the other lawyers helping out with their case is former Jackson, Mississippi Mayor Dale Danks. Danks also happens to be the private attorney of embattled Mississippi medical examiner Steven Hayne. has interviewed the Motorhome Diaries guys twice, once before they began their cross-country trek, and again about midway through their adventures.