Hamas to Israelis: Taste a Delicious, Violent Death


As could be expected, most Arab countries are making no secret of who they deem responsible for the Israel strikes against Gaza, but Haaretz notes that Egypt too has come under fire from militant groups for negotiating with the evil Zionist entity. Al-Ahram, a paper controlled by the Mubarak regime, defended the Egyptian government's position while criticizing both Hamas and Israel.

An editorial published in the Egyptian weekly Al-Ahram on Monday argues that the Hamas leadership, who kept silent as Palestinian militants fired rockets at Israel, is partially to blame for the Israeli assault on the Gaza Strip, which has killed at least 300 Palestinians in the last three days. "If you can't kill the wolf, don't pull its tail" says the article.

Since Saturday, Egypt has been under media attack by Hamas and various Islamic organizations in the Arab world, for collaborating with Israel. The attack peaked Sunday when Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah called on Egyptians to come out in protest against their government.

The Egyptian government rejects claims it is in collusion with Israel, indicating that it had warned against such an Israeli response if Gaza militants continued to fire rockets." Palestinian officials who do not want peace and seek empty heroism did not take Egypt's warnings seriously," says the article. "The day of the Israeli foreign minister's visit to Egypt, the militants sabotaged mediation efforts to reach a cease-fire agreement by firing 60 rockets at Israel."

At The New Republic, Marty Peretz tells Hamas not to "fuck with the Jews." Via The Daily Beast, Hamas Television, available from most quality satellite providers, tells Israel not to fuck with Gaza or they will "taste violent death."

A series of dispatches I wrote from Israel earlier this year can be read here, here, and here.