I Just Love My Meddling Legislators!


California's newspaper reporters are on the beat, seeing what citizens think of the brand-new cell phone ban (no phones in cars if you're under 18, headsets only if you're older). From Marin:

"I love it," said Alex Chapman, 25, of Terra Linda. "I don't like talking on my phone in the car, so this is a reason for me to ignore it in the car without being rude… People are slow to change. It's going to take a few tickets to get the point across. You've got to hit people in their wallets to make it stick."

From L.A.:

Dave Troop accompanied his wife to Fry's Electronics in Woodland Hills on Tuesday to purchase a new Bluetooth. He agrees with the law and has been using a Bluetooth for years. "I think it will save lives, especially the way my wife drives," he said with a laugh.

From San Jose:

Yahoo employee and Fremont resident Dennis Chu was among those shopping for a Bluetooth headset Monday. His previous headset was a wired one. "It was a pain . . . to use because the wire gets in the way," he said.

Basically, Americans actually talk like Onion men-on-the-street, minus the cool names.