The Lap Dance of Luxury
Columnist Ron Hart files a dispatch about easy credit and hard lessons learned (there's a critique of government buried in the full piece too):
Cost of undergraduate degree from Georgia Tech: $100,000 Night of partying at a strip club: $ 53,000 Dad's reaction to son's $53,000 one night bill: priceless….
A Florida man says that his son was taken advantage of by a Panhandle strip joint. The father gave his son his credit card to celebrate his graduation from Georgia Tech and the boy ran up a $53,000 tab. It appears that the strippers were the only ones who got a happy ending.
I guess the son, catapulted to an undergrad degree at age 24, did not learn the economics of real life, chief among them is to never give strippers a drunken free shot at your credit card….
I have always supported the honest entrepreneur, especially when pitted against the stupid. It is good for society when money is not left too long in idiot hands. It is God's way of getting money into smarter folks' pockets. For the less religious among us, I call it Economic Darwinism, and it is often done one crumpled $5 bill at a time. As the old saying goes, "A fool and his money are soon parted." In this case, a fool and his dad's money were soon partying….
The dad, in playing the victim card here, is funny to me. Poor kid! The stripper and seedy club owner took the money he signed for. The 24-year-old must be devastated. Who can he trust after that experience? Not even Oprah would take up his cause on this one.
Experiences are life's lessons through which certain harsh truths are conveyed to us Homo sapiens - and straight sapiens, too. I would like to think that our education system would teach them, but I have long ago given up on government-run schools.
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