The Various Wicked Means of the Internal Destructionists in Myanmar


The state-controlled New Light of Myanmar responds to the monk protests with a long, creatively grammatical "supplication" from the Minister of Religion. As the exasperated minister tells it, brainwashed young monks have been staging images of their own abuse and posting lunatic rants on the internet. The brainwashers? Foreigners and communists.

The root cause of the above-mentioned problems is the perpetration of internal and external destructionists, who are jealous of national development and stability, to harm all the government's endeavours through various methods.

Internal and external destructionists do not even spare the religion if it is in their interest. They dare instigate young monks, who are trying hard in the religious studies, to stage street protests.

Since their instigation targeting the public did not work, they started agitating the young monks who have no knowledge of social and political affairs as they have devoted to the Buddha's teachings. Included in their agitated words were even exaggerating the government's minor weaknesses by describing themselves as saviours of the troubled people. In some cases, the agitators ployed various wicked means such as painting pictures of torturing the monks, acting themselves for the torture and posting the news events on the Internet, threatening the big monasteries by phone through their raised hardcores, threatening those who do not want to stage protests to be blacklisted on the Internet after collecting their names and those who dare not go outside will be sent Htamain (women's wear).

That last line is open to interpretation.

Whole thing here. Latest news from Yangon here.