Gays For (or Against?) Giuliani


Here's a fun video touting Republican frontrunner Rudy Giuliani as a friend to the gays:

The ad is the work of Ryan J. Davis, who writes "I'm a gay New York City resident who lived here while Rudy was Mayor. I appreciated his support of my community when he was mayor and am shocked and offended by his flip-flopping on gay issues….I don't like hypocrites in any party." Which means Davis will have plenty more ads in him, on this issue and others.

What I like about the ad is that, whatever the creator's intent, it functions simultaneously as a gibe at Rudy's flip-flopping on the civil-union issue and a critique of basically every other candidate's stance, too.

Rare for politicial satire, it achieves the sort of brilliant mind-fuck quality achieved by The Onion's op-ed page cartoonist–whose work is both a parody of right-wing claptrap and lefty parodies of the same–and the fictional prankster Guy Grand in Terry Southern's The Magic Christian.