Reason Happy Hour in D.C. Tonight!
Q: Will there be any special guest stars?
A: Yes! David Nott, president of the Reason Foundation, will be visiting from Los Angeles. Senior editor Jacob Sullum will be visiting from Dallas. Associate Editor Katherine Mangu-Ward, author of January's feature on the private space-travel industry, will be visiting from Boston. And Contributing Editor Julian Sanchez, author of January's cover story on the new search technologies that could undermine the Fourth Amendment, will be visiting from across town. Most of our D.C.-based crew should be there too -- Radley Balko, Kerry Howley, David Weigel -- and I'll be schlepping down from Baltimore. But of course, the greatest guest star will be you, the noble reader.
Q: My, but Julian and Katherine's articles sound interesting. What else is in the new Reason?
A: Our action-packed issue is filled to the gills with heady libertarian goodness. Maia Szalavitz tells how the "boot camp" industry tortures and kills kids. Marian Tupy files a dispatch from Central Europe, where classical liberals are being squeezed on one end by cronyism and corruption and on the other by the rise of parties that mix economic statism with social intolerance. David Weigel argues that the 2006 election exploded the myth of the "values voters." And that just scratches the surface -- you'll also get Peter Bagge, Jim Henley, Cathy Young, and still more. To receive this and 10 more issues for the funky low price of $19.97, click here.
Q: Your party sounds like a lot of fun. But can I afford the cover charge?
A: There is no cover charge! America may be in chains, but admission to our happy hours is still free.
Q: And the drinks?
A: Those you'll have to pay for.
Those coordinates again: Tonight, Wednesday, December 6, 6:30 p.m., upstairs at Dragonfly, 1215 Connecticut Avenue NW, Washington, D.C.
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