Expect a Lot More Stories Like This One Until Nov. 7


From a story in Canada's National Post, re: the midterm elections:

History is with the Democrats, as the party holding the White House traditionally loses seats in a president's sixth year. A recent exception was 1998, when public unhappiness over the Republican-led impeachment of U.S. president Bill Clinton helped Democrats gain five House seats.

Polls have shown much larger majorities of voters believe the country is on the wrong track now than in 1994, when Republicans swept Democrats out of House control by picking up 52 seats.

Mr. Bush's approval rating, hovering in the mid to high 30s, also is much lower than Democratic president Bill Clinton's rating in 1994, which was in the mid to high 40s.

"Given the political climate, there seems to be no question there will be bad losses for Republicans," said Amy Walter, a House analyst with the non-partisan Cook Political Report. "The question is: How bad will they be?"

More from "Republicans face biggest test since Nixon" here.