Attn, DC Reasonoids: Happy Hour Next Tues., Oct. 24; Come Meet Our Newest Hire, Radley Balko—and Say Goodbye to Web Editor Extraordinaire Tim Cavanaugh!
We'll be having a Reason Happy Hour next Tuesday, October 24, at the upstairs bar at Dragonfly, 1215 Connecticut Avenue NW, in Washington, DC. The fun starts at 6.30PM and will go as deep into the night as you make it go.
Among the things we're celebrating:
—the addition of Radley Balko to our staff as a senior editor, effective October 30. Currently a policy analyst at Cato, a columnist at the Fox News website, and the force behind the excellent blog, The Agitator, Radley is also the author of the great investigative piece in our October issue about Cory Maye, the Mississippi man originally sentenced to death for killing a cop during a no-knock raid. (Radley's work on the case has actually helped Maye gain a reprieve from his death sentence.)
—the naming of Reason's Hit & Run as one of the "Top 10 Political Blogs" in the newest issue of Playboy. In naming us as some of "the best brain food on the web," the bunny mag enthuses that Hit & Run is "a fine source for all the latest news on what you're not allowed to do today and a relief from the left-right bickering." For details–and absolutely no pictures!–go here.
—the publication of our November issue, featuring the widely discussed cover story, "Attack Ads Are Good For You!", whose author, David Mark, has appeared on C-SPAN, The Daily Show, and other shows to defend good old-fashioned negative campaigning.
Among the things we're not celebrating but will have a drink to anyway because it will dull the misery a little bit:
—the loss of Reason's longtime web editor and Cthulhu enthusiast Tim Cavanaugh, who is leaving Reason to become the web editor of the Los Angeles Times' opinion page. Tim's contributions to the print and web editions of Reason are massive and incalculable, and he'll be sorely missed. We wish him the best of luck in his new gig, which starts in November. In the meantime, he'll be at Dragonfly next Tuesday and you can buy him a drink and tell him he's making a big mistake in person.
The coordinates again: Tuesday, October 24, 6.30PM, upstairs at Dragonfly, 1215 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Washington, DC.
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