The Urine Test of Credibility


Add one to the list of things Pete can't do on drugs: Competitive fishing is off the table. In an effort to root out cocaine-fueled fishing, the National Federation of Anglers says pee before you play:

Competitors at last week's World Angling Championships were told to give urine samples or face losing their prizes.

Astonishingly, the tests - which they all passed - were made because officials fear stimulants could give cheats an unfair advantage by sharpening their reflexes when they get a bite.

The anglers' response? "Now it's a real sport!"

But, after his initial shock, the 39-year-old admitted he came round to the testing plan.

"I think it's a good thing," he added. "It gives the sport credibility because we are subject to the same anti-doping tests as other sports. At this level, we all take angling very seriously."

Via To the People.