Was the Iraq War a Mistake? This Answer May Surprise You…


Via Best of the Web comes this Reuters piece with what was, to me anyhoo, surprising news given that deaths in Iraq hit record highs this summer:

For the first time since December 2005, a majority of people polled did not say the war in Iraq was a mistake. The respondents were evenly split at 49 percent to 49 percent, the report said.

That said, 60 percent believe President Bush "has no plan" for dealing with Iraq and 75 percent say that country is in civil war.

But then there's this, which should warm the cockles of GOP hearts: Bush's approval rating is at a recent high of 44 percent, up from 39 percent last month, "largely on the strength of Republicans coming back to the fold with 86 percent saying they support him now, compared to 70 percent in May."

All this is based on a USA Today/Gallup Poll. More details here.