U.K. Naked Chef Talking, Cooking Out of His Arse
The always entertaining Mick Hume of the great Spiked writes:
I confess to the heinous crime of giving our kids a diet of things they will actually eat. That means everything from the Sunday roast to a takeaway from the local tandoori, washed down with fizzy drinks. It used to include school dinners. But this term, our two young daughters rejected the fare at their local school in favour of packed lunches (including crisps) -- a move that coincided with the introduction of compulsory "healthy menus", with less fried food and no salt available.
Hume is responding to a campaign being waged by Jamie "The Naked Chef" Oliver against not just crap food in general for kids, but all packed lunches at school. Oliver, writes Hume, "claims that while some parents give four-year olds a cold, half-eaten McDonald's and can of Red Bull, even the best packed lunch is 'shit' and should be banned."
Hume's whole bit is here and Oliver's "feed me better school dinners" site online here.
Elsewhere, at the indispensable Nobody's Business blog, Rogier van Bakel notes that the French are getting fatter--and blaming the Americans.
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