Finally, Some Reason at the FCC! (Veiled Subscription Pitch)


Reason subscriber sends along good news from the Federal Communications Commission (of all places!). The newest appointee, Robert McDowell, sounds like he's a regular reader of the mag considered one of "The 50 Best" by the Chicago Tribune in three out of the four last years:

McDowell, 43, also signaled that he won't necessarily follow the wishes of FCC Chairman and fellow Republican Kevin Martin. That may make it harder for Martin to push through initiatives such as forcing cable companies to offer television channels separately. The FCC now has three Republican commissioners and two Democrats.

"I trust free markets and free people to make their own decisions," McDowell said.

Whole thing here.

And on that note, why not subscribe (or extend your existing sub) to America's only magazine of "Free Minds and Free Markets"? It's just $20 a year for 11 issues of action-packed action. For details, go here.

And for FCC head Kevin Martin's arguably most idiotic statement on beefing up and expanding government regulation of TV and radio content, go here (hint: It's when he told Congress, "You can always turn the television off and, of course, block the channels you don't want….But why should you have to?").