The Hit & Run B Team Breaks Out


News bulletin: Dr. Thoreau, a regular in the Hit & Run comment threads, is currently guest-blogging over at Jim Henley's excellent and popular site Unqualified Offerings. So is Mona, who old-timers may recall as the woman who regularly threatened to stop reading Reason because so many of its staffers opposed the invasion of Iraq, and who has more recently done a 180 on the war and its Republican sponsors. Jennifer the Feral Genius is rumored to be preparing posts as well.

Update: Another regular, Alan Vanneman, writes:

If you're going to plug Hit & Run commenters who also work blogs, give me a plug, because I'm part of Bright Lights After Dark, the blog that accompanies the Bright Lights Film Journal where I'm a regular contributor.

My response: Vanneman is a sharp and entertaining film critic, and all of you should be reading his stuff. And while I'm at it, frequent commenter S.M. Koppelman is a sharp and entertaining food critic, and all of you should be reading his stuff too. Finally, apropos of nothing, I'm glad to see the kids today are still listening to Henry Mancini. That is all.