Reporting the News Without DeLay
I'm not really sure what the import of this is, but Drudge is stirring up a controversy over who broke the DeLay resignation story. Was it Time correspondent Mike Allen, who got the news from DeLay in an exclusive Sugar Land interview, or MSNBC hothead Chris Matthews, who broke into a broadcast claiming he too had gotten the news straight from the disgraced congressman? Was it a Newton/Leibnitz controversy, wherein two parties can reasonably claim to have been the pioneer? I say the newsbreaker is Reason's Dave Weigel, whose headline "Tom DeLay to Seek Lucrative Consulting Job" may not have been first, but was the most accurate. According to Drudge:
This morning, TIME's Mike Allen was interviewed by CNN's Miles O'Brien to discuss his exclusive with DeLay. CNN's O'Brien opened the interview by saying: "Mike Allen, the White House correspondent for TIME magazine broke the story. Glad to have you with us."
Meanwhile, on NBC's "TODAY SHOW," host Katie Couric introduced Matthews during the show's DeLay package by describing the flamboyant cable host as the person "who broke the story." The interview closed with Couric saying "Congratulations on breaking the story." Matthews replied "Thank you very much."
As my mom once answered when asked where my dad was, "Who cares as long as he's gone."
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