ATTN NYC REASONOIDS: Ron Bailey Debates the Politics of Science Tonight


The Donald & Paula Smith Family Foundation

Present a debate

The Politics of Science:
Are politicians giving us the right prescriptions?

Chris Mooney
Seed Magazine
Author: The Republican War on Science

Ronald Bailey
Reason Magazine
Author: Liberation Biology

Wesley J. Smith
Discovery Institute
Author: Consumer's Guide to A Brave New World

Harvey Shapiro
Contributing Editor, Institutional Investor

From embryonic stem cell research to the fate of Terry Schiavo, science has given us a whole new set of political issues. Politicians are now compelled to have a position on everything from performance enhancing drugs in sports to global warming. In taking these positions, are politicians listening to the scientific community or are they responding to the interest groups essential to their election? Do politicians strike the right balance between the desire for progress and ethical implications of that progress? What role should elected officials and government play in encouraging desirable scientific research? Does science education accurately reflect the scientific consensus? Is science too important to be left to the scientists?

January 10, 2006
6:30 P.M. Prompt

(Free and open to the public - Reception to follow)

The Graduate Center
The City University of New York
365 Fifth Avenue, New York
(Corner of 34th Street & 5th Avenue)

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