It's Happening Because Everyone Is Reading Hit & Run


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Newspaper Circulation Slips 2.6 Percent

Average weekday circulation at U.S. newspapers fell 2.6 percent during the six month-period ending in September in the latest sign of trouble in the newspaper business, an industry group reported Monday.

Sunday circulation also fell 3.1 percent at newspapers reporting to the Audit Bureau of Circulations, according to an analysis of the data by the Newspaper Association of America.

The declines show an acceleration of a years-long trend of falling circulation at daily newspapers as more people, especially young adults, turn to the Internet for news and as newspapers cut back on less profitable circulation.

Whole thing here.

As for Reason Online's readership (including Hit & Run), we've pulled over 1.7 million visits in September and October, which represents about a 75 percent increase in traffic over the same period in 2004. And for that, gentle readers, we only have you to blame thank.