AIDS, HIV, and BitTorrent
My October 3 post about an LA Times story about AIDS "dissident" Christine Maggiore provoked one of the longer and more lively discussion threads in recent weeks at Hit & Run. I mentioned in passing Oncogenes, Aneuploidy, and AIDS: A Scientific Life and Times of Peter H. Duesberg, by Harvey Bialy.
Bialy, who entered the thread to the October 3 post, has since written to me about his just-released hypertext CD that compiles links to a 1992 Duesberg article on the connection between HIV and AIDS and various other articles and excerpts by Duesberg and Bialy. Explains Bialy:
Of all the accusations that have been leveled against my friend, Peter Duesberg… the one that is most frequently heard in scientific circles, and one that is impossible to counter except by extended debate, either at a scientific forum or in the journals (something that for some reason has never occurred) is that "Peter abuses the literature". Either he cites so many papers that no one can read them all, or, and much worse, he misquotes and draws inferences that are not appropriate from the data in the papers he cites. The latter, as I said, has been a damning accusation, impossible to refute -- until now….
I was able to compile a CD that contains the complete text of [a 1992 review of the state of HIV/AIDS research]…with hyperlinks to approximately 85% of the hundreds of references….
I would now like to make it widely available to all serious scientists as the ultimate tool for deciding, for themselves, the questions of what the literature actually says, and what proper inferences may be drawn from the data in the scientific papers….
I haven't read the '92 article mentioned above and I haven't checked out the CD either. But given the interest in the topic, I figured I'd pass along info on how to get it. You can buy it for $10 or download it for free via BitTorrent. For details, go here.
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