Rush (Limbaugh) To Judgment (Is He Back on Oxycontin Edition?)


Here's the king of the dittoheads yapping about the real agenda behind embryonic stem-cell research:

Stem-cell research is not about stem-cell research, it's about making sure that abortion keeps happening. Because if you can get people to go along with destroying perfectly fine embryos, the only way you can do that is to abort a fetus….

The left knows it's losing when it comes to the moral and ethical questions involving abortion. They're losing ground, they're losing public support on this…

Longer bit, which aired on August 1, courtesy of Wash Times, here.

This, from the guy who used to perform "caller abortions" way back when (late '80s/very early '90s).

Here's the deal: Stem-cell research is about stem-cell research, which is about extending and enhancing human life. May we direct Rush to Ronald Bailey's Liberation Biology, a book that not only produces a moral argument for embryonic stem-cell research but also engages arguments against it that emanate from the left as well as the right? He might also be interested in Ron's recent column that challenges any easy equation between embryos and personhood and celebrates promising ways to harvest embryonic stem cells "in ways that would skirt right-to-life moral objections."

I wonder: Is Rush as exercised against in vitro fertilization, a process that annually produces thousands of wasted embryos?