Thoughts That Breathe and Words That Burn
The Chronicle of Higher Education has a fun piece on subversive lyric poems--known as libels--circa 1600:
Whether punning on Sir Francis Bacon's name or engaging in graphic speculation on the Duke of Buckingham's sexual proclivities, the writers used this "dodgy genre," as [editor Alistair] Bellany puts it, as a way to comment on events and public figures who, because of censorship laws, were otherwise off limits….[L]ibels "help make opposition conceivable: and speakable."
For instance, the death, in 1612, of Robert Cecil, King James I's most powerful minister and adviser, let loose a flood of scandal-mongering epitaphs that harped on his affairs with other courtiers' wives and the syphilitic condition of his genitalia: "Rotten with ruttinge like sores in September/ hee died as hee lived with a faulte in one member."
Whole thing here.
Collection of smut-filled 17th-century doggerel here.
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