Cocks vs. Women in South Carolina


Yesterday, the South Carolina House Judiciary Committee voted to elevate cockfighting from a misdemeanor to a felony. The committee then killed an unrelated, poorly-timed bill that would have done the same for domestic abuse. Controversy ensues:

Rep. Gilda Cobb-Hunter (D-Dist. 66-Orangeburg) says of the two bills, "What we have said by the actions of the Judiciary Committee is we aren't going to create a felony if you beat your wife, partner. But now, if you've got some cockfighting going on, whoa! Wait a minute."

[Rep. John Graham Altman (R-Dist. 119-Charleston)] responds to the comparison, "People who compare the two are not very smart and if you don't understand the difference…between trying to ban the savage practice of watching chickens trying to kill each other and protecting people rights in CDV statutes, I'll never be able to explain it to you in a 100 years ma'am."

Much more, including a "You're not very bright and you'll just have to live with that" from the cock-loving Altman, here.

Via Feministing.