Tweaking Title IX


The Department of Education has introduced a novel way to gauge whether schools are complying with Title IX: Ask the women who are supposed to benefit. The policy, which the department calls a "clarification," allows colleges to demonstrate that they are meeting the demand for women's sports programs by conducting polls online. Theoretically, if a university can prove women are satisfied, it won't have to chase the clumsy quotas that lead to men being punted off the field.

The National Women's Law Center is worked up because the clarification might make Title IX easier to weasel out of. Says a press release:

The survey is inherently flawed because it presumes a survey alone can accurately measure student interests. The guidance does not require schools to look at other factors they once had to consider, such as coaches' and administrators' opinions or women's participation in sports in surrounding high schools or recreational leagues.

So, according to the NWLC, asking women for their opinions isn't the most accurate way to determine what they want?