Superhero Redux


From an interesting story in today's Wash Post, about the resurgence of superhero culture:

America sees itself as the world's superhero, [Men of Tomorrow author Gerard] Jones argues, stronger than any other country on the planet, uneasy about the ways that power is wielded, yet still persuaded it has a destiny to fix the world.

Whole story here.

Reason interviewed Jones a while back, when he published the interesting study of violent youth culture, Killing Monsters: Why Children Need Fantasy, Super Heroes, and Make-Believe Violence. Go here for that.

Reason's Brian Doherty assayed the persistence of the superhero in a great piece, "Comics Tragedy."

As a companion piece to that, I wrote about William Marston, the unconventional creator of Wonder Woman (and a major figure in the development of the "lie detector"). That's online here.

And more recently, I looked at the rise of homo superior and declard, Make Mine Mutants!