25 Years Ago in Reason


"I think we ought to elect Teddy Kennedy president of the United States–he's much too dangerous as chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee."

–"Reason Interview: Howard Ruff"

"China is joining the ranks of other socialist and communist countries that are being forced by reality to recognize the benefits of free-market work and exchange incentives."

–Robert Poole Jr., "Trends"

"Journalists determined not to examine the philosophy of their trade continue to write stories without evidence…with an arrogance they have had for years. As a result, they are heading for a reaction from the rest of society…that may be unpleasant for us all."

–Dennis Chase, "Overglorified Journalism"

"When a group of extremely serious, thoroughly dedicated intellectuals combine to promote radical change in the archaic, reactionary system of American private enterprise, what is their first step? They obtain a million-dollar grant from the Ford Foundation."

–Thomas W. Hazlett, "The Late, Great Center"