
Urine Trouble


Skip DuCharme was arrested for trying to keep a urine-soaked homeless man from sitting on a chair in his coffee shop. It began when homeless people stationed themselves outside the door of his Columbia, Missouri, shop. DuCharme says the men were blocking the door and aggressively accosting people for money, as they often do. He called the police, who came and sent the men on their way. But one came back and urinated all over the shop and left. DuCharme called police again, and while two officers were at the store, the man came back and tried to sit down. DuCharme says he told the man three times not to sit down, but the officers apparently didn't try to stop him from sitting. So DuCharme grabbed him and tried to lead him out the door. That's when officers grabbed DuCharme and arrested him for obstruction. He and the homeless man now both face charges.