The Good News Is One of These Guys Will Lose (Veiled Subscription Pitch)


So if you subscribed to the print edition of Reason, you would have already received this hoo-larious cover and pored over the whole October issue, which won't be up online for another month. You'd already know exactly why the No Child Left Behind Act is an abject failure, why the feds lost the drug war in cyberspace, and why surfer dudes Bill and Ted are the ultimate Americans (roll over Thomas Jefferson, and tell George Washington the news).

And if that's not enough, you'd have gotten a fresh, two-page illustration from the genius Terry Colon, Matt Welch's contrarian take on Fox News, and Jesse Walker's exclusive interview with David Simon, the auteur behind HBO's series The Wire. And Charles Paul Freund's take on ketchup, ice cream, and identity politics. And then there's really good stuff in the issue…

Here's an astonishingly good great deal: Get a year's worth of Reason plus a free copy of the brand-spankin' new anthology Choice: The Best of Reason, which collects our very best stuff from the past decade (and features intros by Drew Carey and Christopher Hitchens to boot). The price of such opulence? A mere $19.95! And yes, there's a deal for existing subscribers too! And an easy way to buy Choice as a stand-alone thing of beauty!

Go here for details.