The Daisy Chain
Political conventions are kinda like the week before the Super Bowl -- 15,000 journalists show up, just because the other 14,999 guys are there. Then, upon discovering there isn't much to write about, they then begin to interview each other, and cover the coverage.
This is where I come in. First, as someone who will cover the writers covering the coverage. Second, because about two weeks ago, I was included, inaccurately, on some online list of "credentialed bloggers." (Reason, like other magazines, was given credentials by the Senate's Periodicals Press Gallery, though self-evidently we will blog.) And since Blogging the Convention is one of the go-to media stories this week, this means I will be serially interviewed by various media outlets, talking about how bloggers are blogging the Convention.
The fun starts tomorrow, with a live interview on NPR's The Connection at 11 am EST, and then at 1:30 pm on the Voice of America.
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