
Salon covers the annual Conservative Political Action Conference, in which conservatives--yes, conservatives--flay George Bush for reasons ranging from his adventurous foreign policy, his softness on immigration, and his out-of-control domestic spending.

"Surprisingly," writes Michelle Goldberg, "factions of the movement with very different agendas shared this [negative assessments of Bush]. Even as Bush's runaway spending and expanding deficits infuriated small-government libertarians, his immigration proposal outraged right-wing populists who want the government to intervene to protect American workers."

Whether this means Bush's base is slipping away--the article's basic hope--is far from clear, but the article is worth a read. Parts of the CPAC were in heavy rotation recently on C-SPAN and it's always a delight for the senses.

[Link via longtime reader and critic of Bush's foreign policy, Jon Basil Utley]