

The Perseus Development Corp.'s survey of the weblog world is a nice antidote to most reports on the subject, because it doesn't neglect "the literally millions of blogs that…are only of interest to the family, friends, fellow students and co-workers of their teenage and 20-something bloggers. Think of them as blogs for nanoaudiences."

When you take the whole blogosphere into consideration, Hit & Run turns out to be aberrant:

[T]he typical blog is written by a teenage girl who uses it twice a month to update her friends and classmates on happenings in her life. It will be written very informally (often in "unicase": long stretches of lowercase with ALL CAPS used for emphasis) with slang spellings, yet will not be as informal as instant messaging conversations (which are riddled with typos and abbreviations). Underneath the iceberg, blogging is a social phenomenon: persistent messaging for young adults.

Another finding: "Males were more likely than females to abandon blogs." Even in cyberspace, you can't get away from those deadbeat dads.

[Via Superfluities.]