Weasel Pans Woody


So last night I met the French ambassador to the United States, Jean-David Levitte, at a little expat-Frog cocktail in Beverly Hills. Seemed like a perfectly nice guy, even if he looks a bit too much like a Gallic Trent Lott. Three minor things I got out of it: 1) He has a good line about how France, unlike certain members of the Coalition of the Willing, has never had the United States declare war against it. Don't know if it's true, but it's a good line. 2) Talking about the European journalists being sent back home from LAX last month, he said that accusations of the action being an anti-France plot were "paranoid." 3) Let's just say the idea of naming Woody Allen as spokesman for the "France Isn't So Horrible" campaign wasn't Levitte's. He described the selection of Soon-Yi's beau as a "disaster."