First They Came for Ozzie and Harriet's Son…
Want a preview of what ever-tighter airline passenger-security watch lists are going to be like? Ask David Nelson--any David Nelson.
The Long Beach Press-Telegram reports:
Throughout Southern California and across the country, men named David Nelson report they have been harassed, questioned by FBI agents, pulled off airplanes, searched and then searched again when attempting air travel.
Apparently caught up in a nationwide dragnet for a real terrorist by that name, David Nelsons everywhere are being told their names produce red flags on airline screening software. The government, however, maintains that the problem is essentially a computer glitch the airlines must solve.
Among those caught was "David Nelson, a star of ABC-TV's 'The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet,' the family sitcom that ran from 1952 to 1966," who "was stopped by a ticket agent at John Wayne Airport in December while on his way to visit his daughter in Salt Lake City."
For Ozzie and Harriet's No. 1 son, being mistaken for a terrorist was only the beginning of the humiliation:
While waiting, the 66-year-old Nelson chatted with two Laguna Beach police officers who knew him and who asked the ticket agent: "Don't you know who this guy is?'
But the officers were met with a blank stare from the agent.
The PT's account continues:
After some checking, the officers told Nelson: "Evidently the name David Nelson is on the terrorist list.'
Nelson replied: "I don't think (terrorists) have the middle name Ozzie, but I'll stay right here.' Eventually he was allowed to board his flight.
Then he was stopped again in Salt Lake City on his return flight.
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