280 Square Feet of Freedom


First Amendment jurisprudence traditionally allows for states to place "reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions" on free speech… but someone clearly needs to explain the "reasonable" part to administrators at Texas Tech. The school has adopted a speech code prohibiting "sexual stories," "innuendoes," and the sin of referring to an adult man or woman as "boy" or "girl." Offenders are subject to expulsion.

Ah, but don't worry, this is just one of those "time, place, and manner restrictions." You can engage in all the speech you like, provided you confine it to a free speech gazeebo about 20 feet in diameter. You can even protest or distribute pamphlets on campus… if you beg the administration for permission at least 6 days in advance. Despite the school's magnanimity on this front, the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education has joined a lawsuit challenging the rule. Where's the gratitude?