Dumb People Shop. Smart People Get Subsidies to Mock Them


Two Czech film students have pulled a fast one on their Prague campatriots. For weeks, they advertised the hell out of a new hypermarket to be opened on May 31, called "Cesky sen" (Czech Dream). Billboards, newspapers, magazines, television spots, all promising a "surprise" for the first customers … they even recorded a little theme jingle, according to Radio Praha's account. Then on opening day, hundreds of burghers trekked out to a field, only to discover that there was no market at all, and that they were being filmed for a Candid Camera-style documentary. Ha ha ha, look at the dumb bargain-hunters!

The students said that they weren't afraid of manipulating the emotions and expectations of people, as they did just the same thing that advertising does. They financed the project with a grant from the state fund for the support of cinematography, and they will return the money if their film makes a profit.

Link via Scott MacMillan.