Mrs. Ridge On the Hunt for Hot Teen Sex!


"How old were you when you first had sex?"

"Have you ever had oral sex?"

"The last time you had sexual intercourse, what one method did you or your partner use to prevent pregnancy?"

These and other questions are part of a survey used on high school students in more than 400 communities nationwide by Communities That Care (CTC), a consultant that helps local governments cook up federal and foundation grant applications. [Link courtesy of Drudge] CTC's spokeswoman is none other than Michele Ridge, former first lady of the Keystone State and current first lady of homeland security. In addition to the sex questions, the 169-question survey probes kids' drug use and asks whether they have considered suicide (when the rainbow is enuf).

Although the questionnaire might be useful in reminding uncool kids that they could be having sex and getting high already, parents are understandably concerned about having their kids subjected to such probing questions for the sake of a grant proposal. Eagle Forum founder Phyllis Schlafly calls the survey "completely unreliable. A lot of the kids think it's a big joke and they give phony answers." And the other 5 percent are masturbating.