Erogenous Zones
Uninhibited Web porn
In September, stay-at-home strippers won a two-year battle to let 30 webcams at voyeur keep recording every move they make. The Web site is not actually a dorm of coeds, but a fully wired house in Tampa's Wellswood neighborhood. For a monthly fee of $39.95, people from all over world can watch the eight women go about their domestic business, much of it sexual.
Tampa, which hosts such adult entertainment greats as the strip clubs Mons Venus and Thee Dollhouse, tried to shut the budding e-business down. According to the city, the dorm violated the clear wording of the zoning code, which bans adult entertainment businesses from residential neighborhoods.
Voyeurdorm. com, which took in $3.2 million from August 1998 to June 2000, countered that its products were not consumed on site, so the zoning rules didn't apply. A federal district court rejected that argument in November 2000, finding for the city. But this fall a federal appeals court panel sided with the strippers.
Now it's the city's turn to appeal. It's asked for an en banc hearing of the U.S. 11th Circuit Court of Appeals, which means it will appeal the panel's ruling to the entire court. At press time, there's no word on if or when the next round will be heard. In the meantime, the site is still open for business.
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