"[T]o privatize religious belief is to trivialize it. When we treat religion as purely personal--irrelevant to the way we live our lives and write our laws--this is not neutrality to religion, it is hostility to religion. The reason is simple: because faith is more than an internal belief, it is a guide to external conduct.
"And for religious liberty to have any meaning, government and business must accommodate that conduct, within the bounds of reason and order."
—Sen. Dan Coats (R-Ind.), supporting the Workplace Religious Freedom Act on the Senate floor in July
"China has done some monstrous things to Tibet. But China's also brought a certain measure of development--roads, power, buildings (even if they're ugly), a certain amount of education, medicine."
—Orville Schell, China expert and dean of the University of California, Berkeley's Graduate School of Journalism, in the September/October Mother Jones
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