Publisher's Notes


• MANAGING EDITOR: With this issue, REASON is pleased to announce a new staff appointment. Mark Frazier, a young journalist who has been a contributing editor to the magazine for the past six years, will assume the responsibilities of managing editor.

Besides taking over the Spotlight column and helping with production, Frazier will explore ways to improve REASON's features. He will concentrate especially on finding talented new libertarian writers and raising funds for more lively and timely articles.

A 24-year-old Harvard graduate, Frazier has had considerable experience. He served as executive editor of the Harvard University Crimson, spending summers writing for Human Events and columnist Jack Anderson. After graduation he became publisher of Campus Colloquy, a magazine with a circulation of 100,000, and author of a Reader's Digest article on trucking regulation. Frazier has just returned from a year in New Zealand, where he was a subeditor of the country's largest newspaper.

"I look forward to helping REASON grow," says Frazier, who like the other editors has visions of a day when the magazine will be able to afford to pay salaries. He, too, holds a full-time workload in addition to his REASON job, as director of the Sabre Foundation Journalism Fund and head of a study group on ways to cut local government spending.

• NEW COLUMN: This month, REASON inaugurates "Washington Watch," a new monthly feature by Alan W. Bock. Every month, Bock will keep REASON readers posted on significant legislative developments in Congress and will suggest effective ways for readers to speak out on pending bills.

Bock is director of the Libertarian Advocate, a libertarian lobbying group, and he has testified frequently before Congressional committees. We hope that readers will regularly write their Congressmen on bills mentioned in Bock's column, so that the libertarian viewpoint can be heard loud and clear.

• LIBERTARIAN PUBLICATIONS: We'd like to mention various worthwhile publications which may be of interest to our readers.

Libertarian Review, in its fifth year of publication, recently adopted on expanded tabloid format. An attractive, well-edited commentary and review of books, ideas and the arts, Libertarian Review is published bimonthly and is available at a special introductory rate of $5 for 12 issues from 6737 Annapolis Rd., P.O. Box 2599, Landover Hills, MD 20784.

Libertarian Forum is a hard-hitting, provocative newsletter edited by Murray Rothbard. A year's subscription (12 issues) is $8 from Box 341, Madison Square Station, New York, NY 10010. Highly recommended.

Option, Canada's bimonthly libertarian magazine, is available at $6 (U.S.) for one year (single copy, 75 cents) from Box 5159, Station "A," Toronto, Ontario M5W 1N5, Canada.

New Libertarian Weekly is a lively weekly newsletter edited by Samuel E. Konkin III. Subscriptions are $15/year (single copy, 30 cents), payable to New Libertarian Enterprises, Box 1748, Long Beach, CA 90801.

The Libertarian Party News is published bimonthly by the national headquarters of the Libertarian Party. Edited by Bill Evers, the LP News is a high-quality, informative publication, available for $3 per year from 1516 P. St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005.

Individual Liberty is the monthly newsletter of the Society for Individual Liberty. The publication is sent free to SIL members, and others may subscribe at $4 per year from P.O. Box 1147, Warminster, PA 18974.

Freedom Today, a monthly magazine covering all aspects of personal freedom and self-liberation is available at $15/year (3 sample issues, $5) from 30-C West Pasadena, Phoenix, AZ 85013.

The Freedom Fighter, a biweekly newsletter, edited by Rene Baxter, emphasizes the tax protest movement and is available at $48/year from RBPress, 4045 East Palm Lane, Phoenix, AZ 85008.

The Libertarian Connection is an unusual mimeographed publication with articles submitted by its subscribers. For $5.85 (checks made out to Lisa Dawn), subscribers receive a minimum of 200 pages of LC material. Send orders to Dawn Enterprises, Box 90913, Worldway Postal Center, Los Angeles, CA 90009.

The above magazines and newsletters represent diverse facets of the Libertarian spectrum, and although we do not endorse the content of all of them, we believe it is worth becoming familiar with these publications.

• PLAYBOY FEATURES: In its April issue, Playboy carried a hard-hitting anti-tax piece by Jim Davidson (National Taxpayers Union director), "Tired of Being Pushed Around Every April 15?" In Playboy's July issue, several favorable letters commented on Davidson's article, including two from Libertarian Party members and a classic one-liner, "As far as I'm concerned the IRS can stick all its 1040s up its ass!" The July issue also carried an insightful interview with tax resister Karl Hess, former Goldwater advisor turned anarchist. We commend Playboy for running these timely features and suggest our readers ask Playboy for more such hot material.