Publisher's Notes


• ATTENTION POTENTIAL AUTHORS: Persons interested in submitting articles for possible publication in REASON should request a copy of our new Author Information Sheet, which spells out the types of material desired and provides data on style, format, submittal procedures, and compensation, Especially important considerations are the requirements for such things as double-spaced typing, submittal of two copies of the manuscript, inclusion of a word count, and provision of a stamped, self-addressed return envelope. While seemingly small points, adherence to such rules makes REASON's editorial processing considerably more efficient. Write Reason Author Information, Box 6151, Santa Barbara, CA 93111.

• NEW CORRESPONDENT: We are pleased to add Michiel van Notten to REASON's international network of foreign correspondents. Notten is an attorney who has worked in Belgium with the Common Market. An articulate spokesman with impressive credentials, he is hoping to organize a libertarian center in Holland and has ambitious plans for the libertarianization of Holland. Notten recently traveled throughout the United States, where he made contact with many libertarian activists. His initial report on the gloomy political scene in Holland appears in this issue on page 38.

• REASON REPRINT: Dr. Paul Craig Roberts' article, "Who Are the Imperialists," which appeared in REASON's August 1973 issue, was also published in HUMAN EVENTS in September. Roberts' article exposed the State export monopolies ("marketing boards") in some West African nations as the "real" imperialists which have exploited private farmers and obstructed the development of an African middle class and African private enterprises.

• BONUS FOR SUBSCRIBERS: This month's Special Issue is the largest single issue REASON has ever published. It is the third Special Issue provided at no extra charge to subscribers this year, a real savings to subscribers, since Special Issues have a single-issue cost of $1.50. If you would like to enter gift subscriptions for your friends, relatives or teachers, we will, for a limited time, commence each new gift subscription with this month's special Ayn Rand issue. For each new $9 gift subscription we receive, we provide a free three-month subscription extension. Give two gifts and get a three-month extension; three gifts for a nine-month extension, etc. In order to have gift subscriptions start with the Rand Special Issue, orders should so specify and they must be postmarked by 1 November 1973.

• LONGEVITY AND NONPOLITICS: A California Congressman who is conducting a campaign for governor by walking the length of the state recently encountered an old man on a park bench in San Diego. Representative Jerome R. Waldie, who estimates he shook about 15,000 hands on his 33-day trek in the first phase of his 360-mile walking campaign, offered his hand to the man. As reported in the LOS ANGELES TIMES, "the old codger told the footsore Democratic congressman, 'I don't want to shake your hand.' 'Why Not?' the nonplussed Waldie asked. 'I'm 105 years old,' the man replied. 'I've never touched a politician or been touched by one in my whole life—and I think I owe my longevity to that.' 'And he wasn't kidding,' Waldie said in telling of the incident." Waldie also said that "People have been turned off completely on government" and the old man's views were shared to a great extent by others.

• ACADEMIC ASSOCIATES DEFUNCT: A leading libertarian book service. Academic Associates (AA), has recently gone into bankruptcy and is no longer in business. Those interested in ordering items carried by AA and listed in its publication, BOOK NEWS, might consider sending their order either to BOOKS FOR LIBERTARIANS, Dept. R, 422 First St., S.E., Washington, D.C. 20003 or LAISSEZ FAIRE BOOKS, 208A Mercer, Dept. R, New York, NY 10012.

• HOLZER ON GOLD: NBI lecturer and Ayn Rand's former personal lawyer Henry Mark Holzer had an interesting article in the WALL STREET JOURNAL (29 June 1973). Called "Gold and the Endless 'Emergency'," it discussed the legal history of America's gold prohibition and the use of declared "national emergencies" as a justification. A longer version of the article appeared in the Winter 1973 issue of the BROOKLYN LAW REVIEW under the title "How Americans Lost Their Right to Own Gold—and Became Criminals in the Process." Holzer now teaches constitutional law at Brooklyn Law School.

• COMING NEXT MONTH: REASON's December issue will feature an exclusive interview with Yale Brozen, influential professor of business economics at the University of Chicago Graduate School of Business. Also scheduled for next month is F. Paul Wilson's profile of the late John W. Campbell, Jr., a unique individualist who strongly influenced contemporary science fiction, and Dennis Chase's holiday message, "No, Virginia—There Is No Santa Claus." Also in the December issue, Money columnist Davis Keeler discusses the expansion of I.R.S. power to secure access to private bank account records. If you are not yet a subscriber, send in a check today for $9 and you can be assured of receiving the next twelve issues of REASON.