REASON Profile: Lynn Kinsky


Despite congenital laziness, twenty-eight year old REASON circulation manager Lynn Kinsky has managed to keep up with the pace set by the other REASON owners. Juggling school, a professional career, work on the magazine, and sundry outside interests has become almost second nature to her. "Some things, like watching TV and doing my ironing, just don't get done anymore!"

Ms. Kinsky did her undergraduate work at the University of Wisconsin, Madison (B.S. with honors in 1966) with a major in chemistry and a minor in anthropology. She spent two years at Dartmouth College doing graduate work in organic chemistry, and then worked for a large pharmaceutical firm creating new drugs. In 1970 she and her husband, Robert Poole, Jr., moved to California and Ms. Kinsky switched her professional emphasis to the social sciences. She now works full-time as a consultant doing free response survey analysis and criminal justice research for a local "think-tank", and is a graduate student in sociology at the University of California, Santa Barbara.

Ms. Kinsky became interested in Objectivism and feminism while in her mid-teens and has pursued both interests actively since then. No believer in half-way measures, when the State insisted that she adopt her husband's name after marriage she went to court and legally resumed her maiden name. Since May she has been attending the weekly meetings of a libertarian women's consciousness-raising group in Los Angeles. "Being able to discuss important issues with independent, rational women who share my political philosophy is just great. It makes the long drive worth it."

Ms. Kinsky also manages to fit some leisure activities into her schedule. She enjoys listening to Beethoven, reading science fiction, playing with her cats, writing letters to friends ("when I can") and sunbathing nude by the swimming pool. She likes to garden and to take photographic portraits of people and animals, and is accomplished at sewing and needlecraft. She is basically sedentary except for swimming or occasionally hiking or tennis. "The only sport I'm passionate about is fencing, but it requires more commitment than I can spare right now." She hates to be bored—but with her schedule it isn't something she really has to worry about.