Publisher's Notes


• REASON STAFF CHANGES: Several changes in REASON's staff have been made recently and are reflected on this month's masthead. Robert Poole has assumed the position of Managing Editor, having responsibility for much of the planning, scheduling, and organizing of REASON's contents. Marilynn Walther, who has moved from California to Oregon, becomes Copy Editor. Manuel Klausner and Tibor Machan remain as Editor and Associate Editor, respectively. Donna Rasnake is added to the staff as Advertising Manager, a new position handling (at present) both advertising in REASON and REASON's promotional activities.

• ADDRESS CHANGE: Effective immediately REASON's Santa Monica post office box has been closed. Please address all correspondence to Box 6151, Santa Barbara, CA 93111.

• NEW COLUMNS ANNOUNCED: REASON is pleased to announce that two new columns will appear on a regular basis in 1973. "Money" will be a column of advice and commentary on world, national and personal monetary matters, designed to help readers protect their assets in the face of increasing political interference in economic affairs. The author will be Davis Keeler, publisher and editor of the highly-respected investment newsletter RESEARCH REVIEW.

The second new column will be "Science Fiction in Perspective"—discussing and reviewing science fiction as romantic literature. It will be authored by John J. Pierce, editor of RENAISSANCE, one of the leading anti-new-wave fanzines. Our initial plan is to present the Keeler and Pierce columns on alternate months.

• REASON ASSOCIATES PROGRESS REPORT: Initial response to last month's announcement of Reason Associates has been enthusiastic. Reason is currently negotiating with Small World Travel in Los Angeles regarding group tours for Reason Associates members. Watch for details in the January issue.

• REASON NOW AVAILABLE ON MICROFILM: Thanks to the interest and efforts of Dr. Francis Spreitzer, head of the micrographics department at USC, volumes 1, 2, and 3 of REASON have been reproduced on a single reel of microfilm, and this may be ordered by individuals or libraries for $12.00 postpaid. This microfilm is the only readily available source of REASON Volume 1 and most of Volume 2—press runs in those days were generally only 300 copies of any given issue. Volume 1 is mimeographed; Volume 2 and 3 are offset. A number of classic REASON articles such as Lynn Kinsky's F.D.A. critique; Tibor Machan's "Justice and the Welfare State", Robert Poole's "Fly the Frenzied Skies", and the special REASON Ecology Issue are among those included on the microfilm, but otherwise out of print.

To purchase the microfilm for yourself or for your favorite library, just send a check or money order for $12.00 to: University of California, Library Micrographics Department, University Park, Los Angeles, CA 90007.

Dr. Spreitzer's efforts are not supported by any grant. The availability of later volumes will depend on the response to this offering.

• PLANNING AND PROPERTY: The Institute for Humane Studies (Menlo Park, CA) held a seminar on the subject of planning and property early in October. The seminar featured Chicago attorney Bernard Siegan, author of "Nonzoning in Houston," and anthropologist Spencer MacCallum, author of THE ART OF COMMUNITY.

• "ATLAS" FILM DEAD: As a result of a complete breakdown in negotiations between Ayn Rand and producer Al Ruddy, the ATLAS SHRUGGED film project is dead.

A source close to Ruddy reported that after five months of negotiations, the principals were unable to come to an agreement on terms, and as a consequence no contract was ever signed. The source stated that in addition to final script approval (which she had been granted, as she did not wish to write the script herself), Ayn Rand was also demanding "final cut approval," meaning that she would have to okay any changes in the approved script, and any trimming or deletion of scenes in the post-production phase. Ruddy would not consent to these terms, and his office reported in early October that the project is "definitely dead."

Ayn Rand's office in New York reported that these had been her original terms all along, and that Ruddy possibly had not understood their full implications when the tentative agreement for the filming was announced 10 May. "Miss Rand would no more allow anyone to make unauthorized cuts in the script, than she would allow a publisher to make unauthorized cuts in her novels," a member of her staff said.

With negotiations broken off, Ruddy is expected to allow his option on the ATLAS SHRUGGED screen rights to lapse. Meanwhile, Ayn Rand is not actively seeking another producer to make the film, so it may be many years before ATLAS SHRUGGED is finally brought to the screen.

• TAXATION AND HOW TO AVOID IT: will be the subject of a course offered at the USC Experimental College by Henry Hohenstein. Classes are at 8:00 P.M. Tuesday in the Von Kleinschmidt Center. Among the items discussed will be the traditional tax shelters as well as an overview of some recent constitutional challenges to income tax.

• COMPULSORY EDUCATION SYMPOSIUM: The Center for Independent Education, in cooperation with the Institute for Humane Studies, has announced its first symposium—on the topic of compulsory education laws. Participants will include Prof. Murray N. Rothbard, Dr. E.G. West, and Mr. Robert P. Baker, and the symposium will be chaired by Prof. Benjamin A. Rogge. The event will take place in Milwaukee, from 16-18 November. Information may be obtained from George H. Pearson, Box 2256, Wichita, Kansas 67201.

• SAN DIEGO TEN BULLETIN: The presiding judge in the case of the San Diego Ten (arrested by Treasury agents while protesting IRS property seizures) has decided not to dismiss charges and has denied all motions made on behalf of the defendants. Thus, despite the government's admission that its case was weak, the San Diego Ten will go on trial on 5 December 1972.

Funds are urgently needed, as trial costs will be $300 per day, and the trial could go on for a month. Donations may be sent to the Libertarian Defense and Education Fund, Suite K, 2550 Via Tejon, Palos Verdes Peninsula, CA 90274.

• QUOTE WITHOUT COMMENT: An article on "trashing" of stores near universities (TIME, 28 August 1972, p.55) contained the following statement: "Some campus merchants are trying to escape the wrath of students by becoming socially responsible. Many Berkeley shopkeepers donate part of their profits to local counterculture organizations."

• LIBRARY SUBSCRIPTIONS: Subscriber Will Barkley has given gift subscriptions to both the San Jose (CA) Public Library and the Cal State San Jose University Library.

Roger Lea MacBride of Charlottesville, VA has provided REASON gift subscriptions to both branches of the McIntire Public Library in Charlottesville, and to the Brooks Memorial Library in Brattleboro, VT.

Richard Rieman of the Top Dog Restaurant in Berkeley, CA has added the University of California at Berkeley, Stanford University, and the University of Minnesota to REASON's growing list of university library subscribers.

A complete list of all REASON library subscriptions will appear in the January issue. A subscription to your favorite library would make an excellent holiday gift.