The Volokh Conspiracy
Mostly law professors | Sometimes contrarian | Often libertarian | Always independent
My Upcoming Speaking Engagements
My upcoming speaking engagements through November of this year. Most are free and open to the public.
For readers who may be interested, here is a list of my upcoming speaking engagements from September through November. Unless otherwise noted, they are free and open to the public. I may add to this list, if new events come up.
August 31, American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, 2-3:30 PM: "Reflections on Democracy and Political Ignorance," Panel on "Democracy and Libertarianism: Friends or Foes?" Other panelists include Jacob Levy (McGill University), John Samples (Cato Institute), and Philip Wallach (R Street Institute). This panel is likely to be open only to APSA conference participants, and accredited media.
September 2, American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, 8-9:30 AM: "Federalism Under Trump," panel on "Trump: Is He Good or Bad for America's Federal System?" Other participants include John Dinan (Wake Forest/Editor of Publius: the Journal of Federalism), Daphne Kenyon (Lincoln Institute of Land Policy), John Kincaid (Lafayette College), Troy Smith (BYU Hawaii), and Carol Weissert (Florida State University). This panel is likely to be open only to APSA conference participants, and accredited media.
September 17, Constitution Day Conference, Utah Valley University, Orem, UT, 10:45-12:15 AM: "Foot Voting and the Evolution of American Federalism," Panel on "The Evolution of American Federalism." Other participants include Rodney Smith (University of Sydney, Australia) and Lance Sorenson (Fellow, Stanford Law School).
September 27, Univ. of California, Berkeley, School of Law, Berkeley, CA, 12-1 PM: "Democracy and Political Ignorance: Why Smaller Government is Smarter." Sponsored by the Berkeley Federalist Society.
September 28, Univ. of California, Berkeley, 12-3 PM: "Foot Voting vs. Ballot Box Voting: Why Voting With Your Feet is Crucial to Political Freedom," Berkeley Kadish Center Workshop in Law, Philosophy, and Political Theory. This presentation is primarily intended for participants in the workshop, and Berkeley faculty and students.
October 5, Georgia State University, College of Law, Conference on Justice Anthony Kennedy and his legacy, Atlanta, GA, 8:45-10:45 AM: "Kennedy on Federalism and Separation of Powers," Panel on Federalism and Separation of Powers. Other participants include Steve Griffin (Tulane) and Neil Kinkopf (Case Western). Participants in other panels at the conference include Mark Tushnet (Harvard), Jamal Greene (Columbia), Adam Liptak (New York Times), Pamela Karlan (Stanford), and VC bloggers Jonathan Adler, Eugene Volokh, and Sasha Volokh, among others.
October 13, Michigan State University, Lansing, MI, 9-10:45 AM: "Rethinking the Constitutional Scope of Federal Power Over Immigration," conference on "A 21st Century Immigration Policy for the West."
October 31, Wisconsin Judicial Conference, Lake Geneva, WI, 1:15-2:30: "The Continuing Relevance of the Federalists' View of Federalism" (tentative title), panel on "Who Cares What the Federalist Papers Say?" The other panelists are Alison LaCroix (University of Chicago) and Sanford Levinson (University of Texas). This panel is, I believe, restricted to judges and other participants in the Wisconsin Judicial Conference.
November 7, Villanova Law University, Charles Widger School of Law, Philadelphia, PA. "Why the Supreme Court got the Travel Ban Decision Wrong," 12-1 PM. Sponsored by the Villanova Federalist Society.
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