Gun Ownership: The Numbers
Their Aim is True: Taking stock of America's real gun
According to widely varying estimates, there are between 77 million and 90 million gun owners in the United States. Here are some of their characteristics.
39 Percentage of Americans reporting a gun in their home
47 Percentage of men reporting a gun in their home
27 Percentage of women reporting a gun in their home
40 Percentage of whites reporting a gun in their home
19 Percentage of non-whites reporting a gun in their home
46 Percentage of Southerners reporting a gun in their home
39 Percentage of Midwesterners reporting a gun in their home
26 Percentage of Easterners reporting a gun in their home
33 Percentage of Westerners reporting a gun in their home
52 Percentage of rural residents reporting a gun in their home
36 Percentage of suburban residents reporting a gun in their home
25 Percentage of urban residents reporting a gun in their home
67 Percentage of Americans who have ever fired a gun
86 Percentage of men who have ever fired a gun
51 Percentage of women who have ever fired a gun
66 Percentage of gun owners who own guns for target shooting
65 Percentage of gun owners who own guns for protection against crime
59 Percentage of gun owners who own guns for hunting
62 Percentage of gun owners who own a rifle
59 Percentage of gun owners who own a shotgun
64 Percentage of gun owners who own a handgun
4 Average number of firearms possessed by gun owners
(Sources: Gallup Polls of 1,012 adults from August 29-September 5, 2000; and 1,054 adults from February 8-9, 1999)
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