Godzilla vs. Mothra! Hillary Vs. Coulter!
Sen. Hillary Clinton has denounced Ann Coulter's new book Godless as a "vicious, mean-spirited attack," reads a press release from World Ahead Publishing, pushers of the recent anti-Mrs. Clinton tome I've Always Been a Yankee Fan.
World Ahead is running an online poll "to allow the American people to vote on the most offensive statements uttered by this power-hungry politician." Among the sample quotes:
"These women are all trash. No one will believe them."
(Hillary's opinion of women who claimed a relationship with her husband: p 69.)"Guiliani will screw you every time."
(About the then-Mayor of New York: p 57.)"Bill, now be sure to point Juanita out."
(Looking to have a word with the woman who claimed Bill Clinton raped her: p 72.)"You all remember Mahatma Ghandi. He ran a gas station down in St. Louis."
(Hillary at a fundraiser: p 94.)"She's a short, Irish bitch."
(On columnist Maureen Dowd: p 93.)
To vote in this most important of elections, go here.
More fun quotes--personal fave: "Where is the goddamn fucking flag? I want the goddamn fucking flag up every fucking morning at fucking sunrise."--here.
Dunno about the rest of you, but quotes like these make me like HRC more, not less.
World Ahead Publishing, btw, are the fine folks who so loved the world that they offered Help! Mom! There are liberals under my bed! unto it.
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