
The Unknown Republican Trumps All!


Zogby International, the polling outfit that sounds like a front group for a James Bond supervillain bent on global domination and clearly has too much time on its hands, has conducted a "blind bio" poll of candidates for the Republican presidential nod. In such a survey, respondents are not given the names of candidates, only a selection of biographical highlights.

The hoo-larious findings?

The poll shows that renowned cardiologist Ward Casscells, a longtime conservative now serving as the assistant secretary of defense for health affairs, is preferred by about as many Republican voters nationwide as Republican frontrunners Rudy Giuliani and Fred Thompson.

When likely voting respondents were given brief biographical descriptions of the top GOP candidates, along with the biography of Casscells, Giulani and Thompson each won 19% support, while Casscells won 18%. Mike Huckabee, former governor of Arkansas, won 13% support, while Arizona Sen. John McCain won 11% and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney won 10%.

More here. No word yet on whether or when Zogby International will interrupt its diabolical scheme to create a world-ending thermonuclear war to take the same kind of poll for the Democratic candidates, though I suspect that exercise would yield analogous results.