
Dinesh D'Souza on Why "America Should Be Destroyed"


Via Andrew Sullivan comes a link to occasional Reason contributor Bruce Bawer's dismantling of Dinesh D'Souza's recent book, The Enemy at Home: The Cultural Left and Its Responsibility for 9/11. Snippets, worth quoting at length:

[D'Souza] invites us to "imagine how American culture looks and feels to someone who has been raised in a traditional society… where homosexuality is taboo and against the law…. One can only imagine the Muslim reaction to televised scenes of homosexual men exchanging marriage vows in San Francisco and Boston." Let it be recalled that D'Souza is referring here to a "traditional society" in which girls of 13 or 14 are routinely forced to marry their cousins, and in which the groom, if his conjugal attentions are resisted on the wedding night, is encouraged by his new in-laws to take his bride by force. Such are the sensitivities that, D'Souza laments, are so deeply offended by the American left, which "would like to have Mapplethorpe's photographs and Brokeback Mountain seen in every country… the left wants America to be a shining beacon of golden depravity, a kind of Gomorrah on a Hill."…

He would have his readers believe that if only the U.S. returned to the values of the Eisenhower era, our Muslim adversaries would let us be. But he deliberately obscures the mountains of evidence that for "traditional Muslims," even small-town 1940s America wouldn't do. For example, in sympathetically describing the outraged response of Sayyid Qutb, the father of modern Islamism, to America's debauchery, D'Souza neatly skirts the fact that Qutb first witnessed that debauchery at a church dance in the then-dry burg of Greeley, Colorado, in 1948-a year when, as Robert Spencer has noted, the highlights of America's decadent pop culture included the movie Easter Parade and Dinah Shore's recording of "Buttons and Bows."…

For those who cherish freedom, 9/11 was intensely clarifying. Presumably it, and its aftermath, have been just as clarifying for D'Souza, whose book leaves no doubt whatsoever that he now unequivocally despises freedom-that open homosexuality and female "immodesty" are, in his estimation, so disgusting as to warrant throwing one's lot in with religious totalitarians. Shortly after The Enemy at Home came out, a blogger recalled that in 2003, commenting in the National Review on the fact that "influential figures" in America's conservative movement felt "that America has become so decadent that we are 'slouching towards Gomorrah,'" D'Souza wrote: "If these critics are right, then America should be destroyed." Well, D'Souza has now made it perfectly clear that he's one of those critics; and the book he's written is nothing less than a call for America's destruction. He is the enemy at home. Treason is the only word for it.

Bawer's whole review in The Stranger here.