
Everything Wrong With RomneyCare In One Quote


Via Politico, a quote that sums up so much about what's wrong with RomneyCare:

Timothy Murphy, who was Massachusetts Health and Human Services secretary while Romney was governor, said he doubted the governor would have supported any cost regulations for philosophical reasons.

"People say we didn't do cost controls," said Murphy, who is now president and CEO of Beacon Health Strategies, a managed behavioral health care company. "I would never do that in a million years. … We didn't think it was the proper role of government."

Apparently, it's the state government's role to fund a massive, predictably over-budget new health entitlement and to lobby the federal government for special funding to do the same. But it's not the proper role of government to make any attempt to control the costs that drive that spending. It's the get-your-government-hands-off-my-subsidies approach to entitlements. Here's an idea: How about controlling costs by not setting up the program or spending the money in the first place? 

Lots more on RomneyCare here, here, and here