
Cross Your Legs, Ladies


NPR reports on a new call for "potty parity," this time from men.

Designers of a new arena in St. Louis thought they were doing a good thing by putting more toilets in the women's restrooms. But as architecture professor Kathryn Anthony explains, their modest effort is only one small step in a direction that will require broad legislation.

Some cities and counties already have laws requiring extra ladies toilets–sometimes as many as quadruple the number of available for men.

And then there's this:

[University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign architecture professor and board member of the American Restroom Association Kathryn] Anthony says the issue of restroom access is so important that the free market can't be trusted.


Personally, I've always favored the personal responsibility approach: I'll march right in and use a single stall men's room if it's empty and there's a lock on the door.

Listen to the whole show here